Date: Sunday, November 15, 2009
Venue: Rock Bottom
Event: Goregrowler’s Ball
This was a show we had been booked for WAY far in advance, like since June or something, and was the show to which we were the most looking forward. We were told we’d be among the opening bands of the festivities, going on like at 4 or so, which we did not mind at all. We know our place on the totem pole, and liked the idea of playing early, packing up the stuff, and having time to watch some of the other bands before leaving.
We got to the Rock Bottom and were told that we had been moved up; a few of the other bands cancelled at the last minute and we had been promoted from 4:00 to like 6:30! This would have been great if we had not already arrived at like 2:00. Instantly I felt tired. The club wasn’t even opened yet so we spent a goodly amount of time just chilling outside the club. JT tried to go to sleep in his car, I warmed up on a practice pad, and Tony and Tarzan walked around talking to folks.
The doors finally opened and the festivities began. Thus began a huge collection of bands that I either saw and do not remember or was not watching since I was busy setting up my drum kit.
I swear our audience gets better and better every time we play in San Antonio! With every show there are a few more people and the response gets a little bit better. The sound check went pretty well; Tarzan wanted his own microphone so that he could start working his backing vocals into the show. The sound man warned me that this would result in one less of my toms being mic’d, which I didn’t mind, hell I mainly use the two right in front of my snare anyway. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really hear his (or anybody’s) vocals this time, so I couldn’t tell you if he did a good job or not.
As you have probably guessed, by now we had a never-fails set list of Intro-Toxic-Hellhammer-Baphomet-Tombs-Casket. It started feeling kinda samey to us, but 1) we were sucking at coming up with new material and 2) it’s not like our audience is at every practice with us. At the time there only three videos of us on YouTube, we still have only the one recording out, and we play in San Antonio maybe once every two months at the most. I didn’t see people getting sick of our songs anytime soon.
I’m digressing a lot. This show went very well, I did not drop a stick once this performance, although I did screw up horribly during "Open Casket." Nothing we couldn't bounce right back from though! Besides that, I don’t remember many details, which is good, because it’s usually screw-ups that stick out in my mind! I promise, dear readers (those of you left who haven’t been driven away by my writer’s laze) 2010 will be a much better year for show coverage, mostly because I won’t be behind so much!
We stuck around long enough to see maybe one more band, and then left for home. By the time we got back to Killeen and I got my stuff unloaded, it was nearing 11:00, I had school the next morning, and I still had homework to do. I attempted it for about a half hour and then went to bed.