Date: Friday, August 7, 2009
Venue: Ten Eleven, San Antonio TX
Playing with: Witchaven, Hod, Birth A.D., Butchered Saint, Bloody Pit of Horror
Venue: Ten Eleven, San Antonio TX
Playing with: Witchaven, Hod, Birth A.D., Butchered Saint, Bloody Pit of Horror
Part 2 of “shows Dart doesn’t remember cuz either he was outside being all ‘mother hen’ about his drums or he was just gone.” Once again, I’ll be offering sufficient commentary on our performance but will be saying very little, if anything, about anything else that happened.
Part 2 of “shows Dart doesn’t remember cuz either he was outside being all ‘mother hen’ about his drums or he was just gone.” Once again, I’ll be offering sufficient commentary on our performance but will be saying very little, if anything, about anything else that happened.
BIRTH A.D.This show was our first encounter with Birth A.D., although JT knew of them beforehand. Even while I was tending to my kit, I could hear the unleashing of crossover fury, and I felt very nervous about going on after these guys.
After the minor embarrassment that was our last show, we took to the stage for this performance with two things: water bottles in our hands and “take it easy” notes in our heads. Boy, did it make all the difference! This show was fantastic compared to the last one; we were going steady during the first few songs, still going fast, still headbanging, but not putting our full 110% into it. After “Baphomet Dawn” we started turning up the juice, so that by “Sodomy and Lust” we were able to make it the full-speed spectacle we intended it to be!
After the minor embarrassment that was our last show, we took to the stage for this performance with two things: water bottles in our hands and “take it easy” notes in our heads. Boy, did it make all the difference! This show was fantastic compared to the last one; we were going steady during the first few songs, still going fast, still headbanging, but not putting our full 110% into it. After “Baphomet Dawn” we started turning up the juice, so that by “Sodomy and Lust” we were able to make it the full-speed spectacle we intended it to be!
There was only one eentsy flaw with this performance though, and it rested with Tony. While it was great the guy was taking swigs of water between tunes, he would do it after he announced a song! On more than one occasion, he would be cleansing his pallet as I was counting off, which wouldn’t be so bad if his wasn’t usually the first guitar playing! It’s amusing now, mentally watching Tony realize his snafu, try to choke down (literally) his water, set the bottle down, and then hit the right frets, all in the span of four hi-hat strokes. At the time, however, the boy was asking for a flying stick upside the head. Thankfully Tony has been great about drinking before talking at every performance since.
Another interesting note about this show was that it was that we had opted out of performing “Troops of Doom” or “Immanent Retardation” in public, the former because we felt we had grown out of it and was one of our more expendable covers, and the latter because we felt like it was a huge lyric-less drag. At the time I did not like the decision to nix “Troops,” I felt that it was an excellent first song of the evening as it started slow, was mostly mid-tempo, and had a few fast parts, a perfect warm-up song. I did, however, see what the guys were saying about it not being as relevant as it used to be, and have since gotten used to jumping straight into "Toxic High" after the intro.
JT and Tarzan wanted to stay and see Witchaven, but Tony and I were pooped and still saddled with an open truck bed of valuable gear, so we chopped out.
JT and Tarzan wanted to stay and see Witchaven, but Tony and I were pooped and still saddled with an open truck bed of valuable gear, so we chopped out.
At the time, I had just moved out of my parents’ house and into… my parents’ house (I used to live there with my family, my parents still own it and are technically my landlords) so Tony and I just slapped his truck in the garage, put the amps in the spare room, and crashed out in my room.
At the time, I had just moved out of my parents’ house and into… my parents’ house (I used to live there with my family, my parents still own it and are technically my landlords) so Tony and I just slapped his truck in the garage, put the amps in the spare room, and crashed out in my room.